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Job preparation, Training, Case management services, Resumes

Our goal is aim to help with barriers that impede the previous incarcerated person in their chances for success by providing assistance with.

  • Relapse Prevention
  • Learn About Tolerance
  • Family Unification
  • Vocational and Educational
  • List of Felon Friendly Employers
  • Assist with Resume and Cover Letter

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Everyone deserves to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily. We ensure our clients don’t have to worry about their next meal so they can focus on rebuilding their lives. We provide our participants with access to nourishing and tasty meals every day through our meal program.

Individual Plan
Each residential participant will receive assistance in creating a vision statement and developing an individual success plan. The vision statement will help to create a long-range vision for the future. The service program will help you choose goals, objectives, and responsibilities for making steps towards reaching your dream. Participation in a plan is mandatory. Your consistent participation is crucial to you achieving your goals.