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David Thomson
That conviction is where the process of change really begins — with the realization that just because a certain abuse has taken place in the past doesn’t mean that we have to tole. That conviction is where the process of change really begins
Adam Smith
I just don't know how to describe your services... They are extraordinary! I am quite happy with them! Just keep up going this way!
Andrea Guzman
A gift made by an individual or an organization to a nonprofit organization, charity or private foundation. Charitable donations are commonly in the form of cash, but can also take the form of real estate, clothing and other assets or services.
Nicole Harris
Great organization!! Your prompt answer became a pleasant surprise for me. You’ve rendered an invaluable service! Thank you very much!
If you're looking for a new start in your life and really want to achieve your dreams of re-entering into Society try the BPB Floyd House. My life was a revolving door for trouble. I was in and out of prison, jail, and chaos. After recently getting released from prison, I made the decision that I wanted something better for myself.
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Khalid M. Williams
It is with great pleasure and honor that I share with you my experience with BPB Floyd House, in the hopes it may motivate another to do the same. I had the pleasure of meeting Patricia by way of her creating a series of online television shows called Voices of Reality.
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