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Patricia Shaver


Patricia is a Certified Addiction Specialist, Para Legal and CEO of a non-profit dedicated to reentry of the previously incarcerated.  She is very familiar with working with defendants, court personnel, judges as well as judicial agencies. And have conducted countless interviews and substance abuse assessments over the years.

Core competencies include:

  • Mediation 
  • DOC Training Classes 
  • Court Testimony 
  • Criminal Thinking 
  • Criminogenic Needs
  • Motivational Interviewing 
  • Client Record Management 
  • Group Counseling Skills 
  • Cognitive Behavioral
  • Investigations
  • Domestic violence trauma and abuse
  • Interlock Enhancement Counseling

Selected Accomplishments

President of the Professional Bail Agent of Colorado (PBAC) 

Monitor national and state legislative activities that may affect the bail bond profession and work with the Political Action Committee (PAC). Wrote monthly newsletters, attend meeting, supervised administration of the affairs and business of the Association. Assist with membership drive, fundraisers, Guest speaker, assist with Bail Agents grievance with DORA, attend legislative meeting regarding bail at the State Capitol.

Assisted in crafting statutes that dictate DORA study to determine regulation by the Division of Insurance

From this study laws would be written and enacted. The board of directors, with this in mind, conducted an extensive study of the bail bond statutes (C.R.S.10, 12 & 16). When the bill for the continued regulation of the bail industry (HB04-1240) was initially published, the PBAC reviewed it and working with the lobbyist for the Division and Dora made many changes that, had this bill passed in its original form would have had a major negative impact on the people in the bail industry. The PBAC also initiated legislation that had a major impact on Bail and was also instrumental in keeping some legislation from passing.

Instructor of the Pre-Licensing Bail Education Course 

Bail and Recovery course, three consecutive days. Course give students a board overview of the Criminal court system, bail bond industry ethics, laws relating to bail bonds, Introduction to Bail Recovery, Principals of Criminal Culpability, Colorado Criminal Code, Firearms and Weapons and Seizure and Entry, Training in bail recovery practices such training shall comply with the standards established by the peace officers standards and training board pursuant to section 24-31-303 (1) (h), C.R.S. and to assist students in their preparation for the State’s Bail license examination.